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By Seraphina Amelia Dornan
Would you like to brighten up the holidays with something new this year? You can, if you do not mind trying something totally different this Christmas. For years you have given your home the traditional makeover of red and green with a little gold and silver tinsel thrown in for accent colors. This year bring out your creativity and go all out with a different theme to decorate your home. Lets focus on a few ideas that will please and surprise all of your family and friends.
Your Christmas decorating above all else, should be fun to do! No matter if you decide to use the same dcor for Christmas or try something new, put your heart and spirit into the task, and you will find joy in it. If you choose to go with something new, put all your creative abilities into designing a theme that is distinctive and reflects your personality; quirky or not!
If you are a collector and have a unique collection of items you never have a chance to show offthis Christmas is the perfect opportunity. For those who collect teddy bears, dolls, race cars, or anything exotic, it can be used as a Christmas theme.
Teddy Bears and dolls can be dressed like elves or carolers and be placed around your home. Dressed in the festive colors of Christmas the antique Teddy can have a new life as the centerpiece on your table holding a glowing crystal bowl of fruit or floating candles. Large Teddy Bears can be posed on the stairway or beside the fireplace holding court on large area rugs surrounded by their stuffed friends from England or Germany. A cranberry red rug would be perfect as the accent color to use for your living room and the pillows the bears rest upon.
If you can find an outdoor rug with a Teddy Bear print, it would be the perfect way to greet your guest with this whimsical Christmas theme. A Christmas tree can be lit with pale white lights and feature only Teddy Bear ornaments like Teddy Angels, and Santas, and of course the Teddy Bear itself in miniature.
Finding use for a doll collection is easy. Just arrange them in all their antique clothing on a beautiful plush natural Flokati rug, and let them be the focus of attention beneath your Christmas tree or allow them to rest against elegant white satin pillows placed on a red rug beside the fireplace. You can also dress them as carolers and seat them upon a bench in your entryway to greet your guest as Christmas carols play to celebrate Christmas. Beautiful rugs can often be found that carry motifs that feature dolls at Christmas time and can tie in wonderfully with your Doll Christmas theme.
Toys of any kind can be used as themes and match up with a toy filled Christmas scene. Children will love the displays of beloved collections and the unique experience of being able to touch the cool porcelain face of a delicate Victorian doll or the plush softness of an exquisite English Teddy Bear.
Carry the themes throughout your home, using Christmas ribbons, bows, garlands, and wreaths to accent and display the collection. Place a small green rug in the hallway and place a small artificial tree on it, lit with miniature lights and a collection of tiny dolls, it can be dimmed at night time and perform as the perfect nightlight for guest.
Use a small tree in your kitchen and display a collection of antique cookie cutters and miniature kitchen tools. Placed atop a sideboard it will be the talk of your kitchen when guest arrive. Another use of small trees is to allow the children to decorate their own tree for display on an area rug in the dining room; they can add their own beloved collections to their idea of a perfect Christmas tree. Their ideas are often unique and show off quite well their own imagination and creativity.
Choosing the theme will be the only hard part. Celebrate Christmas with themes that feature whimsy or glimpses of far away lands through a collection of photographs, or prints. Anything you can think of can be a theme, just do it with Christmas in mind, and the focus will be on joy and laughter for everyone who sees it.
About the Author: Seraphina enjoys offering her wealth of creative tips Christmas themes and on home decorating. And her most popular secret is her online place for
flokati area rugs
and other natural
area rugs
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