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By Ingvar Grimsmo
It’s a constant struggle for lawyers and their firms to be on the first page of the top search engines. It is very competitive simply because the payoff is so high. A single client for an attorney can bring in anywhere from thousands to millions of dollars. So to have your law firm show up on the first page on Google with a specific practice are search term such as “New York Divorce Lawyers” is highly desirable.
Recently more and more law firms are playing short videos on their websites. This appears to have a big impact on placement, since search engines now value videos much more than a few years ago. Besides, videos now are of a much higher quality than before. A $400 HD video camera can now produce a professional looking video.
People watch more TV and videos than any other news/entertainment media. People react to videos, it becomes a person to person interaction. The most successful lawyer videos are educational in nature, not trying to pitch the firm. People come to attorney websites because they have a problem they need solved. They want to know how to fix it. They need answers. Why not give it to them in a personal message? For example, let’s say you are a tax lawyer. A person in trouble with the IRS looks up to find a tax lawyer in his or her city. Your site comes up with a video titled: “What To Do If The IRS Has Garnished Your Income”. That’s valuable. The visitor will view the video, and get some answers. Of course, the secret in all personal service marketing is to give away 80% of what you know and charge a lot for the rest.
Videos can be uploaded to YouTube, or any other video hosting service. It is important that you use the right keywords and title. Be specific. It’s easier to get a top listing on a longer search phrase than a generic one. “Seattle Lawyer” won’t work. “Seattle Lawyer Explaining How To Apply For Medicaid” will. The best way to put a video on your website is to have the video file reside directly on the server where the website files are. And indexed properly. Most web geeks can do this.
When recording a video, always use a tripod. Watch out for the background, sitting at your desk is fine unless it is in front of the window. Using a script is ok if you can be natural reading it. However, the best videos are the ones where you just talk like you would if a client sits right in front of you. Remember – make it personal. You are selling your services, and the viewer will know this so it’s ok to have a sales pitch. People are looking for help. They have a problem. You need to show the potential client that you understand their issues, and you can help. Use (but subtly) the ‘old “Find The Hurt – Stir It Up – Make It So You Are The one To Fix It” emotional sales pitch.
Finally you want to submit your video to video directory, preferably lawyer-specific sites.
About the Author: Ingvar is a marketing consultant helping lawyers get high rankings on search engines.
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